When you start planning an important task or project in addition to the standard methods it is also worth to try the following “Critical Factors Finding” technique. It allows you to use your skills and experience better and uncovers a few hot spots you would not normally reach. This method will support you greatly in the successful completion of your task.
At the beginning specify precisely the objective that you want to achieve and by when it will be realized. Then imagine in detail that it is the planned day and you have not completed the task. Consider what could have happened and write down all the reasons that come to your head. Simply write them down: analysis and evaluation will be done later.
Now that you have everything on the paper, change the position of your body. If you are standing – sit down, if you are sitting – stand up. Look out through the window and think about what you like the most in this view. Recall the taste of your favorite food.
Then imagine in detail that it is the planned day and you have completed your task with great success. Consider what could have happened and note down the reasons that come Your head. As before, do not analyze them at the moment.
When you finish writing start reading your notes. For each negative event think about a number of ways by which you can avoid it. For the positive ones invent all the ways that can be used to cause such an effect. In any case: focus on what YOU can do and what actions YOU should (or shouldn’t) take.
If your task is complicated divide it into sub-tasks and follow the above steps for each of them.
The method described can help you to find the most important factors that could cause the failure or the success of your plan. And what is even more valuable: you can use it to plan activities that will greatly help you to achieve your success.
Have fun and enjoy!